Annual Christ United Methodist Fall Harvest Bazaar This Friday November 6th

The women of Christ United Methodist Chuch on 215 North Fulton Street invite the public to enjoy the Annual Bazaar. A 9:00 am coffee hour will include homemade cinnamon rolls with frosting. Coffee and orange juice will be served. From 11:00 am unitl 1:00 pm homemade chicken noodle soup will be offered with a hot chicken sandwich or sloppy joe sandwich, and a broccoli and cauliflower salad as well as deviled eggs. An assortment of delicious pies will served for dessert. At 5:00 -7:00 pm a baked steak dinner will be available including homemade mashed potatos and gravy with cole slaw and dinner roles, vegetable, drinks and pies for dessert. The shopping at the bazaar will include a variety of hand-crafted items, Christmas decor and home made noodles, sweet pickles, minced meat, carmel corn, cranberry relish and a large variety of baked goods. The women of the church will use the procedes to support local missions. Come out this Friday to share the fun and food with your friends.